Best Ice Cream Emulsifier

For Both Hard Ice Cream & Soft Ice Cream

Ice Cream Sticker

Ice Cream Sticker

Supply best quality of ice cream sticker, high viscosity with cheap price, custom-made size. We have regular c

Ice Cream Emulsifier

Ice Cream Emulsifier

Product name: ice cream stabilizer, ice cream emulsifier Application Range: soft and hard ice cream Usag

Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids

Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids

Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids, emulsifier e475, pge emulsifier, are a new type of nonionic surfactants wi

Mono and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids

Mono and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids

Mono and diglycerides of fatty acids have two configurations: mono-glycerin fatty acid ester and di-glycerin f

Ice Cream Powder

Ice Cream Powder

Ice cream powder is also known as ice cream powder It is a powdery compound that uses milk and sugar as the m

Ice Cream Emulsifier, Stabilizer Emulsifiers

Ice Cream Emulsifier, Stabilizer Emulsifiers

Ice cream Stabilizer is a compound ingredient including food emulsifiers and stabilizers. All the ingredients

Powder Fat L20A For Ice Cream

Powder Fat L20A For Ice Cream

Powder Fat L20A For Ice Cream is a high quality , spray-dried, emulsified, white or yellow power mainly made o

Flavor Concentrate for Ice Cream

Flavor Concentrate for Ice Cream

Ripe Strawberry Flavor This flavor contains the sweet creaminess of the intense ripe strawberry notes. It ca

DFC Chemical, supply you with best ice cream emulsifier, emulsifier, ice cream powder and polyglycerol fatty acid ester & best service!

DFC Chemical, supply you with best ice cream emulsifier, emulsifier, ice cream powder and polyglycerol fatty acid ester & best service!

About us


DFC Chemical, supply you with best ice cream emulsifier, emulsifier, ice cream powder and polyglycerol fatty acid ester & best service!

Henan DongFu Industry Co., Ltd. (DFC CHEMICAL)--DFC CHEMICAL, is one modern scientific and technological innovation enterprise, integrating R &D, production and sales. Since the establishment, it has always insisted on striving for sustainable growth with steady steps, and committed to provide safe, high-quality, innovative and practical raw materials for the food industry at home and abroad. With the expertise and mature technology in...


DFC Ice Cream Emulsifier

new cold room delivered to Nigeria customer

new cold room delivered to Nigeria customer

new cold room delivered to Nigeria customer

Ice cream stabilizer delivered to Nigeria customer

Ice cream stabilizer delivered to Nigeria customer

Ice cream stabilizer delivered to Nigeria customer

Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Ester of Mono- and Diglycerides (DATEM)- DATEM in bread

Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Ester of Mono- and Diglycerides (DATEM)- DATEM

Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, or simply DATEM (DATEM in bread), is an emulsifier used in bread making to strengthen the dough structure so

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