Xanthan gum

Xanthan gum is currently the most superior biological glue in the world, integrating thickening, suspending, emulsifying and stabilizing.

Product Name: Xanthan gum


Xanthan gum, has unique rheology, good water solubility, stability to heat and acid and alkali, and good compatibility with various salts. Thickening agent, suspending agent, emulsifier and stabilizer can be widely used in more than 20 industries such as food, petroleum, medicine, etc.



Xanthan gum is a light yellow to white flowable powder with a slight odor. Easily soluble in cold and hot water, neutral in solution, resistant to freezing and thawing, insoluble in ethanol. It is dispersed and emulsified in water to become a stable hydrophilic viscous colloid.


Performance characteristics

Xanthan gum is currently the most superior biological glue in the world, integrating thickening, suspending, emulsifying and stabilizing.


1. Suspension and emulsification

Xanthan gum has a good suspending effect on insoluble solids and oil droplets. 2. Good water solubility

Xanthan gum dissolves quickly in water and has good water solubility. In particular, it can be dissolved in cold water, which can save complicated processing and is easy to use.

3. Thickening

Xanthan gum solution has the characteristics of low concentration and high viscosity (the viscosity of 1% aqueous solution is 100 times that of gelatin), and it is an efficient thickener.

4. Pseudoplasticity

The aqueous solution of xanthan gum has high viscosity under static or low shear action, and shows a sharp drop in viscosity under high shear action, but the molecular structure remains unchanged.

5. Thermal stability

The viscosity of xanthan gum solution will not change greatly with the change of temperature, the viscosity of xanthan gum solution will hardly change between 10-80 . 1% xanthan gum solution (containing 1% potassium chloride) was heated from 25 to 120 . Its viscosity is reduced by only 3%.

6. Stability to acid and alkali

Xanthan gum solution is very stable to acid and alkali, and its viscosity is not affected when the pH is between 5 and 10. When the pH is less than 4 and greater than 11, the viscosity changes slightly.

7. Stability to salt

Xanthan gum solution is miscible with many salt solutions (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, etc.), and its viscosity is not affected.

8. Stability to enzymatic hydrolysis

The stable double helix structure of xanthan gum makes it have strong anti-oxidation and anti-enzymatic hydrolysis ability, and many enzymes such as protease, amylase, cellulase and hemicellulase cannot degrade xanthan gum.


The main purpose

Due to its unique properties, xanthan gum is widely used in more than a dozen fields such as food, petroleum, medicine, and daily chemical industry. Its high degree of commercialization and wide application range make any other microbial polysaccharide Are out of reach.

1. Food: Xanthan gum is added to many foods as a stabilizer, emulsifier, suspending agent, thickener and processing aid. Xanthan gum can control the rheology, structure, flavor and appearance of products, and its pseudoplasticity can ensure good taste, so it is widely used in salad dressings, bread, dairy products, frozen food, beverages, condiments, brewing, In candies, pastries, soups and canned foods.

2. Daily chemical industry: Xanthan gum contains a large number of hydrophilic groups in the molecule, which is a good surface active substance and has the functions of anti-oxidation and preventing skin aging.

3. Medical aspects: Xanthan gum is a functional component in the currently hot international microcapsule drug capsules, and plays an important role in controlling the sustained release of drugs

4. Applications in industry and agriculture: In the petroleum industry, due to its strong pseudoplasticity, low-concentration xanthan gum (0.5%) aqueous solution can maintain the viscosity of the drilling fluid and control its rheological properties. Because of its excellent salt resistance and heat resistance, it is widely used in drilling in special environments such as oceans and high-salt formations.


DFC Chemical, supply the best quality of Xanthan gum in large quantity!


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